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SmithMeyersLaboratories Pte Ltd

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Increase Your Breast Naturally

How To Seduce A Man
Increase Your Breast Naturally
If you are attracted to a particular man but don’t know how to approach him, here r few easy steps to seducing him – without knowing him.As a man, I can tell you. Sometimes, we just don’t see what’s in front of us. That’s because we men like challenge and the hunt.
Thatwhy, remember that men always like a challenge, except when its 1:30 am on a Sunday morning and “last call” just happened.
You  can seduce the man of your dreams by doing three easy steps. I like to call this “anchoring.” When you place anchors out there and attach them to your man, he will not be able to move until he addresses the anchor.
The anchor of scent: Men love a great scent on a woman – but not too much. A scent requires you to get close enough to him for him to smell you. Your scent should not be overpowering, where it overtook your presence but rather complements it. Next, you shouldn’t just bump into him to get him to smell you. You will need to anchor your scent to another thing– such as a humorous moment, a complement, or something positive.
The anchor of taste: Get him to try a new food or a new taste that stimulates his taste buds. This will gives an anchor that he is forced to think about at least three times a day. It doesn’t matter what the taste is, as long as it’s not astringent. Meaning: forget giving him asparagus or lentils. Instead, give him something sweet or spicy, cool or hot. Think in extremes here.
The anchor of site: Men love to visualize. Let him to visualize your breasts or legs, or whatever thing you would like. Men are visual creatures and will base their actions on what they see. If you emphasis your breasts, which is my recommendation, you should wear something that might be tight fitting. Whatever it is you don’t, want to be too revealing.Just, make sure that’s j enough to entice him to come back for more.
With these three anchors, there are numerous things you can do and experiment. Beaware every man is different and has different tastes. But few things  that are common with all men. Men always lik a challenge, they always lik a great smile, and they always love a great pair of breasts.
But if you’re a little small up front?  Fortunately, science has caught up with women’s needs for breast developments. If you want to naturally increase the size and firmness of your breasts, than consider taking Triactol. It naturally works to firm your breast, and it provides the “lift” you wantin ur life just by it . 

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